The WMCA welcomes new members. If you feel like you belong in a community of coaches, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us with any questions.
Our members include coaches, coaches in training, organizational development professionals, and other people who use coaching in their practice. (Learn about our current members.)
WMCA Gatherings
Our meetings are open to the public. They’re a great way to find out more. The non-member fee for attending a meeting is $5.
We usually gather every other month on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm to 7:50 pm in Northampton, MA (see events listing). We also host a “Coffee Break for Coaches” every fourth Tuesday at 10 am at the Esselon Cafe in the center of Hadley MA. When COVID-19 case counts are high or rising, we meet on Zoom.
WMCA gatherings usually consist of a program presentation, brief WMCA announcements, sharing of milestones and accomplishments, and networking time at the end. Discussions about WMCA business are saved for separate business meetings.
Your comments and ideas are always welcome and can be sent to our leadership group. (See leadership list below.)
Membership Benefits:
- Attend our bi-monthly gatherings/presentations for free ($5 for non-members) that focus on business development and professional development topics relevant for coaches and coaching.
- Be on the referral list when people contact the WMCA seeking a specific type of coach, speaker, facilitator or trainer.
- Utilize the 100+ person WMCA mailing list to send out your own announcements.
- Have your professional coach profile posted on the WMCA website with a link to your website. Our website is easily found in Google searches.
- Opportunity to be a preferred presenter at one of our gatherings. (Great audience for fine-tuning your presentations and sharing your expertise.)
- Have access to a discounted annual membership on the coaching website
- Benefit from the added exposure from the promotional outreach we do as an organization such as digital underwriting on the NEPR New Network and attendance at area Chamber of Commerce events.
- Have an opportunity to provide feedback on how WMCA operates and critical decisions.
- Opportunity to be involved in our visibility and service activities such as volunteering as a group with a local organization.
Did you know that one of the most important ways you build your own rank in Google is to get links to your website from relevant websites? WMCA membership is one easy way to make that happen.
“WMCA is a consistent referral source for me. More importantly, my membership has been far more than a referral source. It’s a community of people who understand and support my work, and we all need that. The key to it helping me is showing up and being involved.”
~Val Nelson, Career & Business Coach
How To Join
Membership is $65 per year. Our fiscal year begins in September. Steps to join:
- Contact us to arrange payment and to receive a WMCA Coach Profile Template so your profile can appear on our Find a Coach page. Be sure to to ask about joining our WMCA email list to stay informed of WMCA events and news.
- We invite you to introduce yourself using our email list. We look forward to getting to know you.
Leadership Members of the WMCA
Our leaders are responsible for managing referrals, meeting topics, website content, and the business side of our organization. We welcome your ideas and feedback at any time. You may contact any of us via the links below:
Grant Ingle and Mary Lou Meddaugh: Co-chairs and Web Site Editors
Jess Dods: Treasurer